What changed his “bad guy’s” heart?

Dear friend,

At 15 years old, Alexis Gezani (pictured 2nd from the right above) from Zimbabwe was not on the right path.

I was a bad guy who took pleasure in bullying others,” Alexis remembers.

But something changed the path of Alexis’ life forever: a group of young men and women visited his school assembly and spoke about the love of God.

Alexis had never heard these things before, but they touched him deeply:

“I was brought up in a family that did not know Christ or ever talk about God. The message of Christ’s love for me, leading to the point of dying on the cross for my sake, was amazing. I was embarking on a new journey that I had never travelled before.”

There are so many other people across Africa – young and old – like Alexis, who need to be transformed and led to a new life by the love of Christ. And that’s why I’m writing to you today.

Mission 2020 is committed to reaching 1.6 million people this year, so that 100,000 people make personal commitments to follow Christ!

You can play a vital role today in reaching every single strata of society, so that every single life can be reached with the Gospel. 100,000 commitments means there’s 100,000 reasons to give.

The group that visited Alexis at school was the AE Zimbabwe Foxfires – a team of young evangelists trained and equipped to share the Gospel with teens and young adults.Three years after the day when Alexis committed his life to Christ, he himself became an AE Foxfire at the age of 18!

Today he travels the country as an evangelist, reaching more young people with the Good News of the Gospel – and he also has big plans for the future:

“I have made a choice to serve God as His full-time servant. Once I complete my one-year Foxfire contract, I want to enrol in a Bible college full-time to prepare to be a pastor.


“It is my prayer that God by His grace will make it possible for me to be His servant. I look forward to going back to my people and preaching to them the Good News of Jesus Christ!”

Alexis now has such passion for God’s Word that he is constantly looking for more opportunities to pass the Gospel on to others.

With your gift today, you can help other young people like Alexis – and people of all generations and ages – discover the same passion and joy in following Jesus.

Your gift will provide training, resources and ongoing support to mission teams across Africa, including the Foxfires teams, as they preach God’s Word to everyone God puts in their path.

Through your support, Mission 2020 will take the Gospel to African cities, equipping mission teams full of evangelists who, like Alexis, are on fire for Jesus to reach every stratum of society.

From servants to CEOs, prisoners to politicians, infants to immigrants – God’s Good News is for all of Africa.

So please give generously today to help 100,000 more people like Alexis discover how wonderful and life-changing it is to follow Jesus!

God bless you and thank you for your prayerful consideration.


Ben Campbell
Chief Executive Officer
African Enterprise Australia