Marg and John Docking are former interns of African Enterprise’s Nile Vocational Institute in Uganda during 2009-2010 and they continue to make a significant ministry impact in Africa. During Marg’s internship as a midwife, she was continually confronted by many significant challenges that these students and wider society faced.  This led to ongoing questions such as, “why are there so many abandoned orphaned and vulnerable youth?  Will the numbers of street children ever reduce? Will rape, child abuse and maternal deaths ever decrease? Is the answer to maternal deaths and HIV more clinics and midwives? Is the answer to rape and sexual violence against women more prisons?”

These questions led Marg and John to develop a training program during their time at AE to address these issues. They found that the missing link to the deeper issues of orphans and abandoned and vulnerable children was an understanding of God’s design for our sexuality and knowing and respecting how babies are created. It’s also about being responsible parents and caring for every child they conceive.  

They established an organisation called Wise Choices for Life based in Uganda, and AE recently sent staff to their week long training program in May. Ultimately AE aims to continue to build the partnership with Marg and John to take a preventative approach to these significant issues in Uganda and other parts of Africa.