“If you equip the pastors, if you equip the evangelists, if you equip the servants of God then you are equipping the church of God in Rwanda, and changing the state of Rwanda.” – Emmanuel Mutebezi, Class President

Thank God for this great group of students who have worked hard over two weeks at understanding the books of Acts and Romans. Pray for them as they use what they have learnt in their lives and churches.

An update from Jack Normand, Pastor Training Course Rwanda Team Leader

Greetings from Kigali in the middle of teaching PTC Early Church History. We have 22 students in the course and we are tackling the reasonably difficult themes in the Early Church. A number of students have already commented how helpful and relevant they are finding it. We currently have Mike and Sarah Raiter (Director of Centre for Biblical Preaching) and another couple here with us for the preaching workshop they are running. For our students this will complete their Level 2 PTC and we will hand out their certificates.

I spent time with Samson who is the Director of the University Ministries (GBU) here and he told me that those who had done our subjects were very much in demand as speakers. He also let me know that the new government regulations for pastors say that they need any degree plus a theology certificate – it seems to me that this still may lead to a recognition of our course.