Setting Africa’s youth ablaze for Christ
Youth are the future of Africa, and it is essential that effective youth discipleship and empowerment programs are part of our mission strategy.
Foxfire Teams are the youth arm of African Enterprise’s Evangelistic and Mission activities. The program’s name comes from Judges 15:3-5. In this passage, Samson catches 300 foxes, ties torches to their tails, sets the torches on fire and releases them into the fields of the Philistines. The vision of this ministry is to set youth ablaze with the Gospel of Jesus Christ and send them out into the world.
Each team of approximately ten young African Christians, give a year of their lives to the service. They have a passion for sharing the gospel with youth, regardless of their backgrounds. Many have gone through great personal difficulties and hardship. As a result, they can speak with great understanding to other young people who are experiencing similar situations.
Once a team is formed, their year begins with two months of intensive training that equips them with knowledge and a variety of skills. Foxfires then visit local schools, youth groups, churches, children’s homes and colleges. They use energetic dance and engaging drama performances to share the gospel message. They also help to identify, train and develop younger leaders by equipping them with various life skills. This is done through programmes focused
on issues such as peer pressure, drug abuse, crime, poverty, HIV/Aids and unemployment. Foxfires play an important role in promoting development in communities and teaching youth how to function effectively in society.
They play a vital role in AE city-wide and university missions each year. Their vibrancy and energy attract large crowds of school children and engages them deeply in the Gospel of Jesus, leading to further questions being addressed, and outreach for support.
Countries with Foxfire Teams
How you can get involved:
Young people are the future of Africa and you can help share the joy of knowing Jesus with them as they grow and mature. You’re invited to take part in this vital ministry.
You can get involved in the following ways:
- Pray regularly for each of the Foxfire teams.
There are currently four Foxfire teams across Africa discipling young people with the Good News of Jesus. Please support each of these teams with your prayers. - Write a message of encouragement to a young Foxfire evangelist.
You can write a letter of encouragement to young evangelists so that they will be spurred on to preach Christ in Word and Deed. - Help equip Foxfire mission teams on an ongoing basis through your regular gift.
Read more about our Foxfires in our brochure.
Impact Stories
Foxfires: Khamisi’s Story
Khamisi Kwela’s father was a strong Muslim believer who took his eight children to the mosque and...
Khamisi Kwela’s testimony from Kenya Foxfires
Khamisi Kwela’s father was a strong Muslim believer who took his 8 children to the mosque and made...
Kenya’s teenagers find Christ
From Addict to Ambassador At sixteen, Dan was addicted to social media. He spent all his free time...
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