We are celebrating our 60th anniversary this year. What a significant time to look back at the amazing stories of evangelism in the cities of Africa.
As part of the celebrations, a Pan African Mission will take place in Lusaka, Zambia with the aim of reaching a total of 300,000 people with the Gospel. Excitingly, 300 churches and Christian organisations will participate in the mission as well as 3000 Missioners.
Preparations are well under way to engage and train all participants in evangelism, discipleship and youth outreach activities.
An intercessory prayer team, made up of 66 people have committed to regularly pray for this mission.
Psalm 2:8 Ask me, and I will make the nations your inheritance, the ends of the earth your possession.
We give thanks for:
- the implementation of the Enhanced Lusaka Covid – 19 outreach which saw 3,544 people reached and 1,501 committing their lives to Christ.
Please pray:
- for the African Enterprise Southern African Region’s (AESAR) team as they prepare for the Pan African Lusaka Mission 2022.
- that God will grant strength, courage and wisdom as they undertake these preparations for all activities, including the 60th Anniversary mission, African Enterprise International Council meeting and the Zambia National Prayer Breakfast.
- for funding for the Lusaka Mission and that God will move the Churches to give resources generously toward the mission.
- that God will open doors to engage parliamentary leaders, to share the vision of the National Prayer Breakfast
- for a company vehicle to support the AE Zambia team to facilitate the many programs that they have.
- for the successful establishment of a Foxfire youth evangelistic team to be launched.
- for the hearts of regional leaders to be open to the Gospel.