When Beatrice was a teenager she was struck by a strange illness that left her weak and unable to function. Living on a small farm on the border of Kenya and Tanzania, her parents didn’t know what to do: they took her to clinics and hospitals but no one could make a clear diagnosis. Drained of money that her father made from farming, there was little left for basic necessities let alone school fees, and Beatrice was often too sick to leave the house anyway. It wasn’t long before she dropped out of school entirely
Beatrice says: “My life was miserable – I kept thinking about my future and got more and more depressed”.
With an incomplete education, a background of poverty, and no formal training or job experience, Beatrice questioned what she had to offer. Her answer came some years later when she was introduced to African Enterprise’s Mathare Women’s Project. It was the chance of a lifetime.
After just two months on the program, her mind has been transformed.
“I am learning dressmaking, design, customer relations and marketing!” she says excitedly. “I hope to use these skills to start a small dressmaking business and earn a living to improve my life and that of my family”.
“Even more, through the Mathare Women’s Project, I have come to understand that despite my dropping out of school, God has gifted me with potential and talents and through the skills I am learning, I can improve not only my own life but also my children’s”.
“The Project has taught me that as Christians, we are called and expected by Christ to be his witnesses in the world” she says. “This has completely transformed my understanding about Christian ministry and I am now actively involved in evangelism and discipling other women in our church”.
AE has given her a new life and a deeper understanding of her faith.
“I am grateful to God for the AE Mathare Women’s Project, for the way it is transforming my life and giving me new meaning,” Beatrice says, “Thank you”.