Cape Town Mission 2019: A snapshot of mission

Well before dawn in Cape Town South Africa, the first of the AE missioners, well acquainted with mission over the past 9 days, have emerged from their shared rooms to start the day with prayer. It’s 4am and Bishop Andrew has commenced his routine, and he is soon joined by a number of others, fervently praying for the Lord’s mercy and favour. By 6am, we have commenced devotions led by Masai Jane, and today we are hearing from Enid about the power of the Holy Spirit revealed in Acts, our Helper sent to us following the resurrection of Jesus. We stand, pray and sing. We build one another up. We strengthen each other through spiritual songs and encouragement.

By 7.30am, all the volunteers have gathered to the bus to prepare for the day’s evangelistic activities. Before we move off, we commit our journey ahead in prayer and drive off in anticipation of what the Lord has prepared. Before we leave the bus, we will also pray.

Mission volunteers 

Slowly making our way through the early traffic jams, we eventually make our way to Shofar church, led by DB and Ronelle, whose church serves as the central meeting point for AE’s citywide evangelism.

Shofar Church leaders, DB and Ronelle

After a briefing and prayer, we are sent out in the Spirit of the Lord to bring Good News of Jesus to the city.  As we move in different directions, it soon becomes apparent that our greatest opportunity to engage the city outdoors is amongst office workers taking an outside cigarette break, together with passersby and the numerous trade shops.

Meet Ambrose

It’s not long before we bump into Ambrose, having his cigarette along with scores of others outside the office buildings. After striking up a conversation, he is open about his struggles to accept faith in Christ. He tells the missioners; “Every day I pray that I would find that strength in God and to find a personal relationship with Jesus.” As he hears about the love of Jesus for him, and the ease of taking that step forward, tears well up in his eyes as he recognizes the divine intervention now taking place in his life. We encourage him to find a home group, to read the Gospel of John we gave him, and he fills in a decision card that will help him to be followed up by a local church minister. Gratefully accepting our prayers, he soon departs back into the workplace, embraced by the assurance of God’s love for him and strengthened in his spirit to accept Jesus.

We all thank God for this beautiful time together to help bring him closer to Jesus, and we ask for God to grow faith within him.

AE Australia CEO Ben Campbell and Ambrose

Two Muslim Women

As the mission group diffuses through the city, a group of four AE missioners (Benson, Mercy, Ben and Mary) approach a cluster of people centred around a bus stop, market stall and smoking area. The Holy Spirit has gone before us, and we are embraced by two Muslim ladies who are so open to hearing about the Gospel. They are transfixed as we describe God’s great desire to unite us together in Christ after the fall. They are so overwhelmed with joy in hearing this news, they can’t help but hug us and thank us for what they have heard today. They want to reflect on the true pathway of life through Christ, and to read the tracts we have given them. “Thank you for coming all this way to South Africa to talk to us today”, they said. “We want to model openness to hearing about Christianity as an example to our kids, so they too can make a choice on who they might follow.”

Benson and Mercy

As we wrap up our time in the city, mercifully protected by the Lord in courageously approaching city workers, we are given a thanksgiving lunch by an executive member of the mission organizing team.
“Thank you for all you do”, said pastor Ricky, “and God bless you all.” As the day comes to a close, and we have dinner and fellowship, we turn our sole attention back to the ‘Author of Life’ through devotions at 7.30pm. This evening we hear about the power and love of Joshua and Caleb, who encouraged the Israelites to take the land that God has given them (Numbers 13).

Following this, gradually we prepare for rest, and a new day of evangelistic activities. We reflect on how God has prepared the hearts of people like Ambrose, the Muslim ladies and on the people who have finally taken the decision to accept Jesus right there on the streets with the AE disciples of Jesus. We prepare to be even more effective the next day, and utilise what we have learned to bring more into a relationship with Jesus as God enables.

We thank God for all the supporters of mission through prayer and finances, who are transforming Africa person by person in obedience to Christ and the Great Commission. We thank God for all of you, because without you there would be even more lost people on the streets today. Because of your faithful service to God, even more people have new hope in Christ. And as God wills, there will be even more tomorrow.

To say in touch with the mission, please visit:

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To bring more to Jesus today, please donate today and keep us in prayer. God bless you.

Ngezandla Zethu Sewing Project

Ngezandla Zethu (meaning “with our hands”) is a vocational training centre in Petermaritzburg, South Africa. Established in 2018, the centre aims to empower individuals with skills that will lead to job creation and ultimately, community upliftment. There are currently 20 students at Ngezandla Zethu, who having commenced their training in July 2019, are already displaying remarkable skill in both designing and sewing. In addition to fashion design and sewing, Ngezandla Zethu hopes to offer a catering course in the near future, and to continue to expand its influence for the benefit of its trainees, as well as the wider community.

Living water for thirsty hearts

Jesus answered, “Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life.” John 4:13-14. 

In the university town of Stellenbosch, AE and local student churches came together from 20-22 September, in a joint effort to reach their campuses for Jesus. They brought living water to thirsty hearts.

This was the first such initiative of local churches and student ministries in a very long time. With AE’s help, the Student Ministry Forum (SMF) of Stellenbosch University united local churches and Christians in spreading the Gospel to South African’s bright, young, searching minds.

“The campaign sought to address the deep longings students have for love, purpose and justice,” said mission chairman, John-Paul Harper. “A longing that can only ultimately be fulfilled in Jesus.”  

From promo videos and campaign posters, to free water bottles with flyers attached, to WhatsApp and Facebook messages, the mission organizers used whatever they could to reach the youth.

Through four powerful talks from South African Christian icons, this mission addressed the thirst that lies deep in people’s hearts.

Married couple Gary and Debbie Kirsten kicked off the campaign by sharing how God had sustained them through their careers and marriage. Gary is a South African cricketer, and Debbie is an author, motivational speaker and daughter of AE founder Michael Cassidy.

Motivational speaker Myan Subrayan also shared about his experiences as an Indian South African growing up during apartheid. He showed students how the Gospel really changes life.

I found Myan excellent. He captured everyone’s attention with his stories of overcoming the pain he felt towards rugby and Afrikaans during the Apartheid regime, and how God changed his heart to be filled with love and passion for Jesus.” (Stephen, university student)  

At the end of Myan’s talk, several students committed their lives to Christ.

The campaign ended with a powerful talk by Mahlatse Mashua on the topic of justice.

“What I loved was the way he brought justice and the Gospel together.” (Lenny, university student)  

After three days, the young Christians at Stellenbosch had been extremely encouraged, and several new Christians had found Christ.

Please pray for these new believers, and that the Gospel will continue to move in South Africa, young people.

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